Extreme Hazardous Weather
will close when weather and road conditions in are such that it is not advisable to transport students via school buses. If weather deteriorates after the school day has started, creating unsafe driving conditions that necessitate cancelling bus service for the return trip home, students will remain in school until other arrangements can be made. Buses will not be sent out early.
Extreme Cold Weather
will be closed for cold weather reasons when it’s too cold for students to be exposed to the elements for even a short period of time.
HSD will close schools for cold weather reasons when the recorded temperature at the Environment Canada Kleefeld Weather Station at 6:00am indicates -35𐩑 degrees Celsius or colder OR a Windchill of -45𐩑 degrees Celsius or colder.
If weather data from the is unavailable or inaccessible at 6:00am of the given day, an alternate data source will be used to determine if the criteria for cold closure has been met. For additional information about weather safety please view the HSD Weather Guidelines (PDF) and the HSD School Closure Policy (PDF)
If concerned about child safety during periods of extreme weather, parents/caregivers may at their discretion choose to keep their children at home. Those choosing to exercise this option should inform the school on that day as per regular absence procedures.
Parent Notification
When schools are closed due to extreme weather, parents/guardians will receive an automated phone message between the hours of 6:00 am-8:00am. Notice will be posted on the HSD website and on X . Closure announcements are also distributed to local media outlets.
Cancellation of Facility Rentals / Events
When schools are closed due to extreme weather, decisions regarding the cancellation of rentals, scheduled events at the school and all extra-curricular trips will be considered on an individual basis, depending on the severity of the weather conditions.
Learning Opportunities
To reduce the potential impact of closure days and to ensure student learning continues regardless of weather, HSD will provide students with learning opportunities on days when schools are closed. If such cancellations occur, please expect the following: