Extreme Hazardous Weather

will close when weather and road conditions in are such that it is not advisable to transport students via school buses. If weather deteriorates after the school day has started, creating unsafe driving conditions that necessitate cancelling bus service for the return trip home, students will remain in school until other arrangements can be made. Buses will not be sent out early.

Extreme Cold Weather

will be closed for cold weather reasons when it’s too cold for students to be exposed to the elements for even a short period of time.

HSD will close schools for cold weather reasons when the recorded temperature at the Environment Canada Kleefeld Weather Station at 6:00am indicates -35𐩑 degrees Celsius or colder, or a Windchill of -45𐩑 degrees Celsius or colder.

Environment Canada –

For additional information, please view the the HSD Weather Guidelines (PDF) and the HSD School Closure Policy (PDF)

Parent Choice
If concerned about child safety during periods of extreme weather, parents/caregivers may at their discretion choose to keep their children at home. Those choosing to exercise this option should inform the school on that day as per regular absence procedures.

Parent Notification
When schools are closed due to extreme weather, parents/guardians will receive an automated phone message between the hours of 6:00 am-8:00am. Notice will be posted on the HSD website and on Twitter . Closure announcements are also distributed to local media outlets.

Facility Rentals
When all schools in the division are closed due to extreme hazardous weather (full closure), rentals of school facilities will also be cancelled. The only exception to this will be for a major event, which has been planned and advertised extensively for a long period of time prior to event date, and which cannot reasonably be cancelled on short notice, or rescheduled without major inconvenience/cost.

Learning Opportunities

To reduce the potential impact of closure days and to ensure student learning continues regardless of weather, HSD will provide students with learning opportunities on days when schools are closed. If such cancellations occur, please expect the following:

  • Extreme Hazardous Weather
  • Extreme Cold Weather

On closure days due to extreme hazardous weather:

  • Teachers of Grades K-8 should prepare a work package to be sent home in advance of winter and periodically throughout the winter months, which may be utilized on inclement weather closure days.
  • Teachers of Grades 9-12 should ensure assignments are posted in Google Classroom and all HSD students in Grades 9-12 have been assigned ChromeBooks to complete work independently.
  • Teachers will send a morning message, instructions, and post assignments/activities/lessons onto Seesaw or Google Classroom as soon as possible in the morning.
  • Teachers will not launch new lessons/units, so please keep in mind the work teachers assign will primarily be work students can engage in independently.
  • We understand that not all students/families will engage in school work on a hazardous weather closure day. We will honour and respect all choices.

On closure days due to extreme cold weather:

  • Teachers will post assignments/activities/lessons onto Seesaw or Google Classroom as soon as possible in the morning.
  • Teachers will send a message to parents (or students, depending on the grade) letting them know how and what time(s) of the day they will be available online or via email to answer questions.
  • Teachers will attempt to connect virtually or via telephone with each student in Grades K-8 to check in and provide suggestions for work.
  • We are not expecting synchronous (all online at the same time) learning to occur.
  • Teachers will not launch new lessons/units, so please keep in mind the work teachers assign will primarily be work students can engage in independently.
  • We understand that not all students/families will engage in school work on a cold weather closure day. We will honour and respect all choices.